Welcome to My World

I love raising puppies and caring for our dogs.
I get great satisfaction seeing them grow, how different each puppy is, their personalities so distinct.
Their intelligence never ceases to amaze me, if I pay attention the puppies and dogs are quite adept at communicating their needs and wants to me.

I enjoy hearing other people's stories of their pets and experiences if they are a breeder.

A lover of animals must have a good Heart.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Aureus Dachshund Puppy News

Aureus Dachshunds

A Breeder's Life

A Breeder (with a capital B) is one who thirsts for knowledge and continues to learn every day from their dog pack.

A Breed is responsible for all dogs under their care. A breeder needs a strong sense of commitment and an extraordinary heart to love all dogs in their care. A committed breeder will share their knowledge and guides those interested.

A Breeder is one who sacrifices some of their personal interests, finances, and time. Yet she will form friendships that would not have been possible had she not met people who share her love of Dachshunds and all animals.

The Breeder goes without sleep watching anxiously over the birth process, and afterward, over every little wiggle or cry. Having new born puppies is like having a human baby in the house. Every rustle or cry you will hear and verify all is well with Mom and puppies.

More attention will be given to the Mom, making certain she has all of her nutritional needs met, time away from the puppies to potty. For the 1st few days there will be little time spent away from her new babies.

There will have been much thought and many hours planning a breeding

A Breeder skips many social functions due to the face a litter is due or the babies have to be fed on schedule. She disregards birth fluids and puts mouth to mouth, to save a gasping newborn, literally blowing life into a tiny helpless creature that may be the culmination of a lifetime of dreams.

A Breeder's back and knees may be stiff from bending and sitting in the whelping box, but are strong enough to guide that new little pup to maturity

A Breeder's lap is a marvelous place where dogs of proud and noble heritage often relax completely feeling safe and secure.

A Breeder's hands are strong, firm and washed many times a day. Yet the same hands will be ever so gentle and sensitive to the nudge of a puppy's nose; or gently placing the puppy next to their Mom’s side.

A Breeder must be in mental sync with the new Mom, capable or reading her needs and wants, seeing the new Mom has everything she needs to be calm, and to know her puppies are safe.

A Breeder will share her bed with the canine Mom as she begins the weaning process at night, sleeping away from the puppies, but not too far away. As the puppies reach the 3rd week of age, the Breeder may be up several times a night as they ask to go potty. You can begin potty training very early, when you are in sync with your dogs and puppies.

A Breeder's arms are always able to wield a mop, support an armful of puppies, or lend a helping hand to a newcomer.

A Breeder's ears are wondrous things, sometimes red talked about; (from being pressed against a phone receiver) yet always fine tuned to the whimper of an anxious puppy.

A Breeder enjoys placing the puppies she whelped, raised and watched over in the correct home for the puppy and the human.

This task is not as daunting as one might think.

A breeder will have myriad of questions for the prospective new owner of the puppy. Each question is designed to give the Breeder more information on how the daily life of the household runs, is it a good home for a puppy or better suited to an older dog. Is the person committed to keeping the dog trained with love and patience? Obedience training begins also at a young age. It is the responsibility of the new owner to carry on with the obedience training, always with praise for a job well done by the puppy. Never hitting a dog, having the patience to show the puppy over and over what they expect from him or her. A well trained dog allows everyone in the home, including the dog to live a happy and well rounded life. Exercise should be fun for the dog and the owners.

The Breeder's heart is full of love for her work with her dogs and their puppies. Her heart beats strongly full with the love she has received from all the puppies and dogs that she has brought into the world. She enjoys hearing from the people who now have the puppies she whelped. Their words of love, joy and fulfillment with their special dog, reminds the Breeder why she does this every day.

Our Ethics as Breeders

We breed dogs that are, healthy, with wonderful temperaments, and come from top quality bloodlines.

We will not breed more puppies than what we can handle in order to give each puppy special care and attention. All of our puppies are raised in a loving, clean home, and are well socialized.

Our Policies

When you receive your puppy, they comes with; a written sales agreement signed by you and by me that describes in detail all terms of the sale, a copy of our health guarantee, which includes a copy of all health and vaccination records,

We guarantee that your puppy will be healthy when you receive him, and we will provide a written guarantee.

We would like you to have your new puppy examined by your veterinarian within 72 hours time after you have received him. We want you to be confident that your puppy is healthy.

We will be asking several questions about your home and lifestyle during the application process. We would like to know that you are prepared to care for your puppy and that you are ready to devote the necessary time training your dog so that he is a blessing to you and your family. We do our best to place all our puppies in a loving home that will be good for the dog and the owner. Bringing a new pet into your family is a serious commitment.

Once your application is approved, we will let you know when a litter is born. When the puppies reach 6 weeks of age, we will be matching the puppies to their new families, according to the requests you have made on your application. We will fulfill as many requests as possible, as we would like everyone to be happy with their puppy.

We keep accurate records on all of our dogs.

We enjoy receiving feedback from the people who have purchased or adopted on of our puppies as they adjust to your home. Pictures and updates are always appreciated when received, for our brag book.

We are available to help you in any way we can with your decision in purchasing a puppy. Once you own one of our dogs, we will continue to be available, as a resource, to answer any and all questions.

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